Neural Network
We Think Different
Computers and brains "think" in completely different ways.
In a computer the logic gates are wired together and not more than some couples touches each other. In a brain the neurons are connected in parallel ways, each single cells is wired with thousand of neighbors. The main difference it is how they work: the first are synchronized basically (there are exception from the macroscopic point) in serial , the second works in parallel. It could fits as comparison: the same difference we can find in programming languages, for example Java/C++ a vs VHDL.
They share the numbers of components but not the mechanism to manage the information
Neural neworks are organized in interconnected inside different layers.
The nodes are not passive but "live" and wait the moment to became active (activation function).
Related to each task they have some "weights".
As an example we can image a simple network composed by three layers to figure out an intelligent device that looks (input) some information (colors), elaborate (hidden layers) and react (output layer):
a) The input layer, this plays the role of sensors
b) The hidden layer, this is the "state" or memory
c) The output layer, this is the actuator (the action)
As an example we can image a simple
network composed by three layers to figure out an intelligent device
that respond to (input) some information (colors), elaborate (hidden
layers) and react (output layer):
a) The input layer, this plays the
role of sensors
b) The hidden layer, this is the
"state" or memory
c) The output layer, this is the
actuator (the action)
In the middle of this process there is
the 'learning' phase. NNs work across a learning process that correct
at each cycle the output.
Every epoch, when new inputs trigger a new task the weights modify and correct their errors until the output state remain stableThe learning process "copies" what happens in the biological systemNeural networks have been applied to a wide variety of different areas:
- speech synthesis
- pattern recognition
- diagnostic problems
- medical illnesses
- robotic control
- computer vision